Posts category blog


Sweet Family Session with Grandparents!
November 18, 2019  by Brandi 

I had so much fun with this lovely group, but that certainly was no surprise. I can’t believe how big Miss...

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The “M” Family
November 14, 2019  by Brandi 

How sweet is this beautiful family? The kiddos are so much fun and full of energy and personality! I just...

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Sweet Family Session!
November 12, 2019  by Brandi 

This sweet family always brings the style with their sessions. I love that Mr. C loves to dress up and bring...

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The “D” Family
November 11, 2019  by Brandi 

We have yet another fabulous family that I originally met through my first birthday sessions. I photographed...

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The “W” Family
November 7, 2019  by Brandi 

It’s hard to believe I’ve been photographing this family for more than 8.5 years already....

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The “J” Family
November 6, 2019  by Brandi 

It had been a couple of years since I had seen this family, so it was great to catch up with them. I can’t...

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blog  Uncategorized 
The “B” Family
November 5, 2019  by Brandi 

One of the greatest gifts as a photographer, is how you get to watch children and families grow through...

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The “P” Family in Downtown Dallas
November 4, 2019  by Brandi 

It’s been great to be able to capture the “P” family over the last five years. This...

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The “L” Family
October 31, 2019  by Brandi 

I am such a lucky photographer to have such a wonderful client family! This family is another group that...

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The “N” Family
October 30, 2019  by Brandi 

This is another great family that I always have such a good time with! I can’t believe that Mr. A is such...

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