Woooooo yesterday was a CRAZY DAY for little ole me. One of the many things I did yesterday was go over to my sister in law’s house to snap some pics of my nephew on his first birthday! That’s right, he was born last year on Halloween. He is about the cutest thing you have ever seen, but in general, my family is very good looking!
I happen to think baby drool is awesome.. 🙂
Look at those eyes..
Then, my in laws came over, bringing the other boys over. I had to get pics of all the kiddos in their costumes! Be prepared for some mega-cuteness below..
Both sides of the force were equally represented, as his cousin went as Darth. Mini Darth!
A slightly bigger Darth. He was having a good time with that light saber!
Darth pre-evilness, aka Anakin 🙂
We can’t forget Princess Leia!
Cute kiddos goofing around!
Lots more stuff to post soon.. Plus, went down and shot a fun e-session with Stephanie and Kyle earlier today! I should have teasers from that coming along sometime in the next day or two.